About Aussie Broadband
Aussie Broadband is an Australian telecommunications carrier that provides internet, mobile, and other telephony services to Australians.
Products and services
- Mobile phone plans
- SIM only plans
- Internet plans
- NBN plans
Common complaints
- System outages
- Internet speed issues
- Signal dropouts
How to file a complaint with Aussie Broadband
Aussie Broadband contact numbers
- Call 1300 880 905 from Australia (8:00am to 12:00am AEST, 7 days a week)
Aussie Broadband social media
Aussie Broadband complaint form
- Lodge your complaint via the online form.
Aussie Broadband mailing address
- Write to their complaints team at: Aussie Broadband, PO Box 3351, Gippsland Mail Centre, VIC 3841
Disclaimer: Handle My Complaint is not affiliated with, endorsed by, or promoting this organisation. This directory is created independently to help consumers easily find the company's contact information to have their complaints lodged quickly.
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