About David Jones
David Jones is an Australian department store, owned since 2014 by Woolworths Holdings Limited. It offers thousands of products from favourite brands across fashion, shoes, beauty, home, electrical, designer and more.
Products and services
- Womens fashion
- Mens fashion
- Kids fashion
- Designer brands
- Shoes
- Bags
- Accessories
- Beauty products
- Home and food products
- Kitchenware
- Electrical products
Common complaints
- Selling out-of-stock products
- Damaged products
- Delayed deliveries
- Poor customer service
How to file a complaint with David Jones
David Jones contact numbers
- Call 133 357 from Australia (Monday - Friday, 9:00am to 6:00pm / Saturday - Sunday, 10:00am to 4:00pm AEDT)
David Jones social media
David Jones mailing address
- Write to their complaints team at: David Jones, Customer Services, Botanicca Building 2, 572 Swan Street, Burnley, VIC 3121
Disclaimer: Handle My Complaint is not affiliated with, endorsed by, or promoting this organisation. This directory is created independently to help consumers easily find the company's contact information to have their complaints lodged quickly.
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