About Harvey Norman
Harvey Norman is a leading Australian-based, multi-national retailer. It offers furniture, bedding, computers, communications, and consumer electrical products.
Products and services
- Computers
- Tablets
- Phones
- Phone accessories
- Cameras
- Printers
- PhotoCentre
- Games
- Gaming gadgets
- Smart home gadgets
- TVs
- Blu-rays
- Home theatre
- Headphones, audio and music
- Kitchen appliances
- Vacuums
- Laundry appliances
- Heating, cooling, and air treatment
- Health, fitness and beauty
- Furniture
- Outdoor gear
- BBQs
- Beds
- Manchester
- Bathroom, tiles and renovations
- Carpet, flooring and rugs
- Toys, baby and hobbies
- Car and travel supplies
- Pet supplies
Common complaints
- Damaged products
- Hard to return products
- Hard to exchange products
- Poor customer service
How to file a complaint with Harvey Norman
Harvey Norman contact numbers
- Call 1300 464 278 from Australia (7 days a week, 7:00am to 11:00pm AEST)
Harvey Norman social media
Harvey Norman complaint form
- Lodge your complaint via the online form.
Harvey Norman mailing address
- Write to their complaints team at: Harvey Norman, A1 Richmond Road, Homebush West, NSW 2140
Disclaimer: Handle My Complaint is not affiliated with, endorsed by, or promoting this organisation. This directory is created independently to help consumers easily find the company's contact information to have their complaints lodged quickly.
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