About HP
Hewlett-Packard Company (HP) is an American manufacturer of software and computer services. It boasts high-quality desktops, laptops, tablets, printers, and scanners.
Products and services
- Laptops
- Desktops
- Gaming
- Workstations
- Printers
- Monitors
Common complaints
- Poor customer service
- Missing products
- Wrong products
- Damaged products
- Confusing product warranties
How to file a complaint with HP
HP contact numbers
- Call 1800 625 236 from Australia or +61 2 8031 8342 from overseas (Monday to Friday, 8:30am - 5:30pm)
HP social media
HP mailing address
- Write to their complaints team at: Compliments and Complaints Officer, HP PPS Australia Pty Ltd, Level 5, Building F, Rhodes Corporate Park, 1 Homebush Bay Drive, Rhodes, NSW 2138
Disclaimer: Handle My Complaint is not affiliated with, endorsed by, or promoting this organisation. This directory is created independently to help consumers easily find the company's contact information to have their complaints lodged quickly.
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