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Translink bus station

A Queensland bus crashes. You wont believe what Translink did next.

What does it take to get a refund on your bus fare? Not even a crash apparently.

On March 16th, a Brisbane City Council bus was involved in an accident on Logan Road heading towards Mt Gravatt at around 8 am. Janelle, the mother of one 12-year-old passenger rang Translink to ask for a fare adjustment for the $10 fare charged as passengers were hurried off the bus before they could end the trip.

Janelle told us Translink agreed to adjust the fare but refused to refund the amount charged for the trip involving the accident.

“I thought that was crazy. My son’s only be using the bus to get to school for 6 weeks and the event was really traumatic,” says Janelle.

This highlights the unfairness of the situation and is a sign that Translink isn’t in touch with its passengers and their wellbeing.


Wednesday 1st April

Brisbane train commuters are again facing lengthy delays due to a down tree affecting services on the Beenleigh, Gold Coast, Airport, Ferny Grove, Shorncliffe and Cleveland lines. Delayed up to 45 mins in both directions are expected. It might be a long trip home, depending on how quickly Queensland Rail can resume its schedule.

Aussie consumers shouldn’t be paying for poor service. The number of complaints on these issues, should send a message to the government to make some real changes.

Unfortunately most consumers don’t know how to complain and get their voice heard properly.

To make it really simple for you to ask for a refund from Translink we’ve provided a copy of a letter to send to Translink as a guide (further instructions below).

If you have registered your gocard, sign in to your account and ask for a fare adjustment. This is the easiest way to ask for a refund. Sign in here.

If you don't have a registered gocard, translink provide a complaint form on their website.

The most effective way to get results from a complaint is to structure a letter with details similar to this.

Dear Translink,

I appreciate that faults on the network can occur from time to time, however the recent disruptions to your rail service have impacted me. To compensate me for the inconvenience, I wish to request a full refund for my travel on DAY MONTH YEAR. My go card number is XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX.

Please confirm you will provide a refund.

Thank you,


Be sure to provide your contact details, the date you were inconvenienced and your go card number.


March 17th

Commuters in Brisbane were stuck in travel chaos in Brisbane on March 17th following a down power line at Bowen Hills. We spoke with Queensland Rail staff to enquire if commuters would have their travel costs refunded but were disappointed to be informed that Translink was charging normal fares despite the delays.

Translink train schedule

Have you got another issue you’d like to rally support for? Drop us a line in the comments below.