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A woman punching pesky telemarketer

Everything you needed to know about the DO NOT CALL register in less than 3 minutes

Telemarketers are more annoying than ever!  These pesky salespeople all day and night, hawking their wares (no, we do not want to sign up for your long distance plan). We thought we'd put together a series of 5 30-60 second videos explaining your rights and how to get on to the Australian Government DO NOT CALL register.

These videos originally appeared on Channel 7's The Daily Edition interviewing our very own Jo Ucukalo.

1. What is the Australian government DO NOT CALL register?

2. Why should we care about the register?

3. What types of calls does the register cover?

4. What laws do telemarketers need to follow?

Thanks for watching:

Are you on the DO NOT CALL register? Let us know in the comments below.

Source: The Daily Edition

See also: The Australian Government DO NOT CALL register.