Secondhand blues: Understanding car warranties
Before you pay for a used car, it’s important you take steps to protect yourself from avoidable issues.
Used cars: How to avoid a lemon
It's understandable you might be feeling a bit nervous about buying a used car – no one wants to end up with a lemon, facing costly repairs and the inconvenience of being without a vehicle.
Making Airbnb complaints in Australia
With the number of properties on the platform – 100,000 in Australia alone – there are bound to be Airbnb complaints in Australia.
Just as they do in hotels or other accommodation, guests will have bad experiences and they are entitled to seek resolutions when they don’t get what they paid for.
Have you had your home insurance claim rejected?
No homeowner wants to receive a letter or email with the subject line ‘home insurance claim rejected’. But it is a very common experience, judging by the number of complaints to the Australian Financial Complaints Authority (AFCA). Chief Ombudsman David Locke
Secure the right home insurance claim help
Has your home been damaged in a storm or fire? Perhaps someone has broken in and stolen jewellery and other valuable items? You need to know where to get the best home insurance claim help.
The logical place to start, of course, is with your insurer. But before you ring them, dig out your insurance policy and check your product disclosure statement (PDS) and the policy schedule (PS). This should detail exactly what you are covered for and will help prepare you for any questions the insurer might ask.
How to make a complaint against a car insurance company
Is your insurance claim taking a long time to be reviewed? Perhaps it has been rejected? You will want to know how to make a complaint against a car insurance company. Before you do so, however, double check that you have
Looking for car insurance claim help?
Anyone who has been in a car accident knows how important it is to find good car insurance claim help. We rely so much on our cars, so the smoother the journey the quicker we can get back on the road.
If you have been injured, it can be difficult to focus, so don't be afraid to ask a trusted friend or family member to help make the car insurance claim process as painless as possible. It is best to start this process as soon as possible while all the details are fresh in your mind.
Has your card surcharge been supercharged?
We are so used to paying for everything by debit or credit card these days, many of us barely give any thought to the little extra that is often tacked onto the purchase price. But you should take a closer look to avoid being needlessly stung by card surcharges.
Pay wise: How to keep card surcharges down
You might have heard that the Australian Government is preparing to ban debit card surcharges – those pesky percentages added to seemingly every electronic transaction.
Don’t get too excited. While the Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) is reviewing card surcharges – which cost Australians anywhere between $1 billion and $4 billion a year – any change would not come into effect until 2026.
Rising toll: Latest builders to go bust
A group of construction companies all registered to the same address in NSW is among the latest builders to go bust, with the industry still battling the effects of inflation, rising costs and trade shortages.
The liquidator said the collapse of Adroit Constructions, Maximus Builders, Maxim Builders and Maxus Builders put 25 projects at risk.