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Are you planning to travel interstate over the summer holidays? There’s a good chance you might also want to get car rental, at least for a few days.

And while there are plenty of great deals to be had, there are some car rental traps you should know about before handing over your deposit. Otherwise, that deal that seemed too good to be true most certainly will be.

If you live in a major city where tolls are part of your everyday commute, you probably don’t give them too much thought – until the next time you hear they’re going up again.

But if you don’t use them very often, or are visiting from out of town, it’s easy to get stung by tolls. Particularly if you don’t have an electronic tag or pass that makes it easy to pay as you drive over tolled roads.

Before you know it, that one unpaid trip on a toll road could add up to a lot of pain.