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Delivery scams Tag

Wondering why you’re receiving those misspelled SMS? It’s actually deliberate.

Scammers are bypassing the system that automatically blocks scams with a smattering of bad grammar and spelling. They are getting in front of you and hoping you click too quickly to realise your mistake.

This is just one of the more sophisticated tactics - yes, even bad spelling is sophisticated - scammers are employing to capture even the most cautious among us. Scammers are so successful that, according to the latest reports, Aussies have lost a total of $222,810,200 to scams in 2021. That’s already 26.8 percent higher than 2020, and the year is not yet over.

Scammers are constantly finding ways to exploit the current trend. People are out in force buying online, and as those packages go out for delivery, people expect to receive messages from shopping websites like Amazon and delivery companies including Australia Post. This makes it the perfect time for scammers to prey on consumers who are not paying close attention.