Making a pet insurance claim
If you’ve been paying your premiums on time, it is reasonable to expect a pet insurance claim to go smoothly. But while many pet insurers now offer convenient online claims, it doesn’t guarantee that your bill will be fully—or even partially—covered.
The lowdown on pet insurance
Pet insurance, much like private health insurance, acts as a safety net – providing financial protection in case your furry friend faces unexpected health issues.
Pet insurance: What does ASIC’s crackdown mean for you?
Have you received a large veterinary bill for your pet even though you had what you thought was the right insurance? You’re far from alone.
Is pet insurance worth the money?
Australians spend more than $33 billion a year looking after their furry friends and pet owners know that trips to the vet can chew through a large chunk of cash. So is pet insurance worth the money upfront to ward off potential financial pain in the future?
According to Animal Medicines Australia’s Pets in Australia Survey, dog owners spend about $3200 a year on their animals, while cat owners spend about $1700 per feline.