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Discounts Tag

With the lure of huge discounts and extra money from our upcoming tax return, this is usually the time we buy big ticket items. Electronics like laptops are particularly popular with work from home tax deductions on offer. And even fashion items, like a handbag, can be claimed as an essential for your remote office. For more information on how you can maximise your tax return, we have our guide here. Here's our take on getting the best deals this EOFY sales!

Ah, Black Friday. We look forward to this coming Friday more than any other. It’s the lead up event to the most wonderful time of the year, Christmas. Over half of the world’s nations dedicate this day to one of the largest shopping events - Black Friday Sales. In the US alone, sales are expected to jump 30 percent from last year to reach $10 Billion in a single day.

Who doesn't love a freebie? Whether it's a friend offering a slice of used-goods heaven or a garage-sale orphan looking for a happy home, second-hand goods are quite a tantalising offer for thrifty shoppers.

Free things may give you a lot more than you bargained for (and that's not always a good thing). If you're looking to save a little money, you'll do well to think twice before snagging these used or cheap products.

Here's our top 5 free things where the initial save can cost you more in the long run.