Looking for car insurance claim help?
Last updated on January 8th, 2025
Anyone who has been in a car accident knows how important it is to find good car insurance claim help. We rely so much on our cars, so the smoother the journey the quicker we can get back on the road.
If you have been injured, it can be difficult to focus, so don't be afraid to ask a trusted friend or family member to help make the car insurance claim process as painless as possible. It is best to start this process as soon as possible while all the details are fresh in your mind.
Before you even call your insurance company, try to gather as much information as you can. This will not only help you answer all their questions, but it should also speed up the processing of your claim.
What sort of information do I need?
It depends on the reason for making your claim. If your car has been stolen, make sure you file a police report detailing when and where it was taken, as you will need to provide this to the insurer. If your car is subsequently found, no matter what state it is in, you need to update the insurer. They will then assess whether it can be repaired or replaced.
If you have been in an accident involving another vehicle, make sure you get the driver's contact details, including driver’s licence and car registration, as well as their insurer. If the accident is minor, you may not have called the police but if police do attend, or you later lodge a report, ensure you provide all those details, too.
There is a good chance you might be shaken up, even injured, and might not think of taking photos at the scene. But if you do, have those ready to load.
Do I need to speak to my insurer?
Depending on the nature of your claim, you may not need to call the insurance company. Most insurers enable you to lodge your claim online, where you will be taken through steps to ensure you provide everything required.
However, if you think you will need help making a car insurance claim, don’t hesitate to ask. Insurers have people dedicated to claims processing and they should be able to answer any of your questions. If you feel you are not getting the assistance you need, ask to speak to a supervisor or manager.
How long should it take to process my claim?
Once you have submitted your claim, the insurance company has 10 days to get back to you. This doesn’t mean they will have rejected or accepted your claim in that time, as they may need more information before doing so. However, they are required to tell you what it is they need and if an assessor has been appointed to review your claim.
Ask for an estimate of the time it will take to determine an outcome. Under the General Insurance Code of Practice, insurance companies are obliged to progress claims in a “fair and reasonable way”. There are many reasons why there might be justifiable delays but seek help if you believe your car insurance claim is dragging out without good cause. Ask to speak to the insurer’s complaints department in the first instance.
What if my claim is rejected?
The thought of having to pay for car repairs or even buy a replacement is very stressful. But don’t panic if the insurer rejects your claim. Read the reasons they should have provided for that decision and ask for more information if you do not understand anything.
It may be that you neglected to give important details when you lodged the claim because you were either injured or too upset to focus properly. Ask the insurer to review their decision and provide anything extra you may have overlooked in the meantime.
Still coming up empty-handed? You might want to contact the insurer’s complaints department or see if the Australian Financial Complaints Authority (AFCA) can facilitate a better outcome. Find out more about how to make a complaint against a car insurance company.
Streamline your car insurance claims
At Handle My Complaint, we understand how stressful the car insurance claim process can be, especially when the decision – whether for the initial claim or your requested review – seems to be taking way too long. Reduce the pressure on you and lodge a complaint with us. We are here to help with all your car insurance complaints.