
Fluid Edge Themes

Complaint etiquette Tag

The person sitting across from you in the restaurant is funny and interesting. Awkward get-to-know-you questions are out of the way and you’re already bonding over mutual likes and dislikes. There’s even been a few laughs. This first date is going rather well.

Then your meal arrives. You’ve barely taken a bite and notice something isn’t quite right. Perhaps the vegetables are too cold, the meat is undercooked, or something you ordered is missing.

Maybe it’s not the food that’s niggling at the back of your mind. The music might be too loud for conversation and you’re pondering whether to ask the manager to turn it down or not. Or perhaps you’ve been waiting way too long for your drinks or entrée?

No one likes a whinger, but we all have legitimate complaints from time to time. So what’s the right way to complain?

Before you pick up that phone or send that email, ask yourself how invested you are in making the complaint? Is the $50 watch that isn’t working properly worth spending indefinite hours trying to get your money back? The trade-off between your effort to complain and how much you value the item is what we call the complaining value.

Still want to complain? Here are some do’s and don’ts to ensure a better chance of getting a resolution.

Your date is gorgeous. You are having an amazing time. The atmosphere is perfect.

Then, you notice the meal you ordered isn't exactly what you wanted – it's too cold, it's raw or it just doesn't taste good.

You come to a decision point: speak up and ruin the atmosphere, or keep to yourself and preserve the unfolding relational magic?

Walking this fine line could be the difference between a good night kiss and a “Please lose my number.” Next time your caught in this culinary conundrum, walk yourself through our date complaint checklist: