
Fluid Edge Themes

June 2023

Are you having a tooth pulled? Or lost some teeth in an accident? Or simply don’t like the way your teeth look? Your dentist may suggest dental implants.

While there are good health reasons for replacing a missing or extracted tooth (or teeth) as soon as possible, it’s important to understand what dental implants are and what is involved in the procedure.

Salespeople will often try to persuade you that extended warranties are the best way to protect yourself against expensive repairs in the future. Don’t be fooled.

What many Australians don’t realise is they are protected under Australian Consumer Law and that, more often than not, the extended warranty being offered covers the same period and rights to repairs or replacement. This is why it’s often referred to as ‘junk insurance’.

Ever wondered why your cup of coffee costs an extra 15 cents at one café and not another? Or why the service station advises that you will have to pay another 1.5 percent to use Visa or Mastercard?

It’s called a card surcharge - the amount a business charges to cover the cost of an electronic transaction, typically between 0.5 and 1.5 percent. While two-thirds of merchants absorbed this fee about five years ago, the use of debit and credit cards increased, and so has the number of businesses passing on the cost.