Finding alternatives to payday loans
When you're struggling to pay bills, it can be tempting to look for a quick fix. Payday loans may seem like a simple solution but before you sign up it’s worth exploring alternatives to payday loans.
Paying for JB Hi-Fi extra care
As you go up to pay for your new TV or computer, the helpful salesperson might suggest you take out JB Hi-Fi extra care. If you’re forking over a few thousand dollars, the extended warranty might seem like a good idea, but is it?
Do you have to pay for a warranty?
An extended warranty is a voluntary add-on, not a mandatory purchase. If someone you’re buying a product or service from suggests that you have to pay for a warranty, don’t fall for the sales pitch.
What can a debt collector legally do?
There are rules and regulations governing debt collection in Australia. While businesses and individuals are entitled to seek money they are owed, it is important to ask what can a debt collector legally do to ensure your rights are not infringed in the process.
Road block: The dealership can’t fix my car
Peter* couldn’t believe what he was hearing: “The dealership can’t fix my car because of my poor service history.”
Yet this so-called poor history was due to several factors outside his control, including that he was unable to get records from the first dealership, which had closed, and that subsequent appointments with another Hyundai dealership were late or postponed due to Covid restrictions.
Driving results: How do I file a complaint against a car dealership?
If you’re googling ‘how do I file a complaint against a car dealership’, it’s likely you have reached the end of your tether.
Road rage: Can I file a complaint against a car dealership?
When your car starts playing up, it’s only natural to head straight up the road to the place you bought it for answers. If they prove less than helpful, though, you’ll be veering into the ‘can I file a complaint against a car dealership’ lane before too long.
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Driving change: Take control of car complaints
Having trouble getting the dealership to take your car troubles seriously? Is the manufacturer giving you the runaround?
It’s easy to feel like you’re a voice in the wilderness when you’re being shunted from dealer to manufacturer and back again, each blaming the other – or you – for the vehicle’s faults.
Handle My Complaint CEO Jo Ucukalo says it’s an effective tactic, as most consumers simply give up.
Food fraud: Are you eating what you paid for?
With groceries costing more than ever, at the very least, you would expect to get what you paid for.
But the food we buy isn’t always what it says on the packaging. Whether it’s cheap olive oil sold as extra virgin, beef passed off as veal, or drinks watered down, food fraud is more prevalent than you might think.