How to save your emotions, relationships and finances during a divorce
We step into marriage hoping for it to last forever but more than 33 percent of marriages in Australia end in divorce. The entire process of divorce is long and tiring. So taking steps to make the divorce amicable for both parties will save your emotions, relationships and finances.
Why a Gift Card is the best Covid-friendly present this Father’s Day
Father's Day is a chance to honour the special men in our lives. They don't need to be your dad, or grandad, they can be anyone's dad or not even a dad. And if you don’t really have the time or fresh ideas to go hunting for something specific - how about grabbing a gift card for him to spend as he wishes. We’re letting you in on our tips for this practical and thoughtful hack on giving a gift.
Grocery shopping: When it is better to shop local than online with Coles and Woolworths
COVID-19 lockdowns mean more of us have switched to online transactions - including grocery shopping. Big supermarkets like Coles and Woolworths have levelled up their game by focussing efforts on our online grocery shopping experience. Beyond accessibility and other benefits, there are important drawbacks to virtually shopping for groceries. In this second part of our series on online supermarkets, we dive deeper into the things we need to look out for before jumping into the convenience of online purchasing.
How Coles and Woolworths are reshaping self-service grocery shopping (again)
Is it time for a grocery run? Supermarkets have been bustling with people buying essentials. The biggest ones like Coles and Woolworths now allow us to shop for groceries online, with more of us now prefering to shop in the comfort and safety of our own homes.
Close to home: How the government is helping you to buy a house anywhere in Australia
Is the Australian dream over for those looking to buy a house? Property prices are at what some would call “dangerously dumb” levels. A study has found that it takes up to eight years for a buyer to save enough money for a 20 percent Sydney home deposit.
Cosmetic Procedures in Australia: What we’re NOT talking about
Cosmetic procedures are becoming increasingly popular in Australia. From injectables and fillers for your lips and cheeks, Botox for your wrinkles, and even laser hair removal for your unwanted fuzz. They have become so common that these techniques are even offered at dentists and beauty salons. This is concerning, since these methods are not simply beauty treatments.
Traversing the Murky Waters of Tenant Rights and Obligations in Australia
Are you aware of your tenant rights and obligations? Do you know how often and how much your rent can increase? Are you aware that you can be blacklisted in a tenancy database? When are you entitled to repairs?
How to secure your dream rental
Rental properties are receiving more applications than ever before. This is because there are less rentals available and they are being rented at a faster pace. But don’t let this dishearten you in your search. A few simple strategies, like having your application ready before you turn up at a viewing, will put you ahead of the pack. We have insider knowledge on securing the right space for you. Our tips will help you become a savvy real estate searcher and get your application to stand out.
Real Estate Agents: How to spot the right property sales agent
Selling your property can be an emotional experience, especially if you have a lot of memories from your time there. It's where you had your first dinner party, celebrated your first promotion, and started your business venture. This is why, when it comes to getting a good deal with your real estate sale, you can benefit from using independent experts like real estate agents. Below are our top tips for finding your best real estate agent.
Complaining 101: The ins and outs of making a complaint
It's safe to say that most of us don't enjoy complaining. But more than once in our lives, we've experienced having a concern or an issue with a product or service we've purchased. And, when we do, we try to reach out to our provider with the hope that they will help us resolve it. Sometimes the provider helps, but there are times when they turn a blind eye to our experience. So, we've prepared this guide to help you make a complaint that's effective and doesn't take up more of your energy than it needs to. Just remember, we are with you at every stage of your complaint journey. Happy reading!