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Better Ways

We all have our dream travel destinations in post COVID times. Due to the abrupt halt to travel, many of us have money stored in foreign currency and on travel cards. Weā€™re trusting our travel money is safe until we can travel again. However there are some recent changes affecting travel money.

Living in the digital age means we're able to plan our adventures from the comfort of our home. We spend our time researching and coordinating, hopeful of having a fun time, usually with our favourite people in tow. So, how can you tell if the event going to be a fizzer or a best-seller when you're reading the promotions?

Scammers are constantly finding ways to exploit the current trend. People are out in force buying online, and as those packages go out for delivery, people expect to receive messages from shopping websites like Amazon and delivery companies including Australia Post. This makes it the perfect time for scammers to prey on consumers who are not paying close attention.

2020 has taught us that being safety conscious allows us to enjoy the finer things in life, like cafes, family reunions, weddings and (hopefully) travel. Home improvement projects have been extremely popular as weā€™ve spent more time at home than ever before. When it comes to shopping, all types of shopping, safety matters too. Each year Australia has about 650 consumer product recalls. But only about half of the affected products are returned to sellers. This amounts to about 1.7 million recalled products remaining in people's homes!

Ah, Black Friday. We look forward to this coming Friday more than any other. Itā€™s the lead up event to the most wonderful time of the year, Christmas. Over half of the worldā€™s nations dedicate this day to one of the largest shopping events - Black Friday Sales. In the US alone, sales are expected to jump 30 percent from last year to reach $10 Billion in a single day.

With energy prices skyrocketing, it's no wonder ordinary Australians are feeling the pinch. The Energy and Water Ombudsman for Victoria has revealed that more people than ever are complaining they can't afford their power billsĀ with payment difficulties havingĀ tripled in the 5Ā years since 2009.

Here's our topĀ 10 ways your household can get a good deal and minimise energy bill shock.

Many customers Ā part with money unnecessarily by buying an extended warranty, when they already have this warranty by law. Its time for aĀ fair go from retailers.

It's possible to getĀ repairs outside the manufacturerā€™s warranty period for items ranging fromĀ electrical appliances like TVs, games consoles to washing machines and refrigerators.

It's estimated two in five peopleĀ opt for an extended warranty, which can add up to 24 per cent to the final purchase price. However, what most don't know isĀ the warranty is already implied in the price paid for the goods.

Most Australians consider moving houseĀ as one of the most stressful times of their life. With almost half of us having moved home in the past five years, chances are youā€™ve had a recent experience. There are over 5,500 individual removalist operators available to help us make the move. Almost half of us use a removalist service when moving interstate and over one quarter when moving locally.

However engaging a removalist isnā€™t something we do frequently leaving many of us uncertain of what to expect from the service and what is expected of us.