
Fluid Edge Themes

October 2019

Whether itā€™s church groups, cosmetic suppliers or energy providers, when your door starts reverberating with that unexpected knock, the games begin. Youā€™re in the race before you know it, your intellect strategically churning over winning solutions: Pretend Iā€™m not home? Answer the door but shoo them away quickly? Listen to their spiel politely but tell them Iā€™m not interested? Invite them in for a cuppa to hear what they have to say, you never know, I might save a buck or two?

A mobile phone camera at our ready disposal compels many of us to capture and share our life moments, even the no-so-great ones. No longer reserved only for happy snaps, such as family portraits, sunsets and visits with exotic animals, a mobile phone camera can capture your best evidence when things go wrong.

Take Mr Jonathan Kearins recent holiday for example. After researching on the internet, he booked and paid for a romantic holiday at a 4-star resort described as ā€˜newly openedā€™ and ā€˜luxuriousā€™ on Thailandā€™s renowned Phi Phi Island. What greeted Mr Kearins and his girlfriend upon arrival however, fell way short of the idyllic accommodation described on the internet booking website.

With energy prices skyrocketing, it's no wonder ordinary Australians are feeling the pinch. The Energy and Water Ombudsman for Victoria has revealed that more people than ever are complaining they can't afford their power billsĀ with payment difficulties havingĀ tripled in the 5Ā years since 2009.

Here's our topĀ 10 ways your household can get a good deal and minimise energy bill shock.

Many customers Ā part with money unnecessarily by buying an extended warranty, when they already have this warranty by law. Its time for aĀ fair go from retailers.

It's possible to getĀ repairs outside the manufacturerā€™s warranty period for items ranging fromĀ electrical appliances like TVs, games consoles to washing machines and refrigerators.

It's estimated two in five peopleĀ opt for an extended warranty, which can add up to 24 per cent to the final purchase price. However, what most don't know isĀ the warranty is already implied in the price paid for the goods.

With the average Australian signing up for a 24 month phone contract, it is fairly reasonable to expect that their phone will be protected for the duration of that period. Luckily this is now true in Australia thanks to a decisionĀ by Aussie regulator, the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC).

The determination by the ACCC signals and end to Apple's globalĀ 1 year consumer guarantee in Australia.

The simple truth behind the now free extended warranty is that customers are buying a product they should expect to lastĀ 2 years. Jo Ucukalo, consumer expert and CEO of Handle My Complaint explains that by signing a 24 month contact customers are committing to a single brand for 2 years.Ā Brands ought to commit to their customers in return.

Most Australians consider moving houseĀ as one of the most stressful times of their life. With almost half of us having moved home in the past five years, chances are youā€™ve had a recent experience. There are over 5,500 individual removalist operators available to help us make the move. Almost half of us use a removalist service when moving interstate and over one quarter when moving locally.

However engaging a removalist isnā€™t something we do frequently leaving many of us uncertain of what to expect from the service and what is expected of us.