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Insider Tips

How can we be of service? Let us count the ways. We actually mean service – unlike those who have promised it before and didn’t show up when it counted most. Consider these insider tips your key to consumer affairs.

When Louise* logged in to the Qantas app to check her return flight from a family holiday she was shocked to find the booking was no longer there.

But she was filled with horror when she found out the reason. Her former husband, who has a police-initiated domestic violence order (DVO) in place against him for harassment and stalking, had cancelled them.

Need a new car? Is the thought of paying such a large amount of money for a new set of wheels making you sweat? It might be worth considering a car lease rather than buying your next vehicle.

But leasing isn't for everyone. Before jumping into the driver’s seat, it’s important to ask some key questions to determine if leasing best fits you and your circumstances. Let's give a rundown to find out if leasing a car will work for you.